Porsche’s Versatility title arrived!

Porsche received her Versatility Excellent official title certificate! This title requires 15 points from multiple ‘areas’ that demonstrate a dog’s versatility. Porsche earned 5 points for her UKC Grand Championship, 1.5 points for her CGCA, 2 points...
Introducing Martin!

Introducing Martin!

    Introducing Martin! Martin – FBP Son of a Poo! Stepheni was one of the first people I met in Michigan at a dog show. Her boy, Poo, was probably only a year or two old at the time and I was completely smitten with his coloring, dark points and eyeliner. We...
Title Acronyms 1, 2, 3 – avoid the confusion

Title Acronyms 1, 2, 3 – avoid the confusion

    Title Acronyms 1, 2, 3 – avoid the confusion My dogs are collecting titles in various areas and I wanted to provide a list of the acronyms so the average person can decipher them! (And then my web guy will come in and rearrange things so this post works...
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