Ensuring Canine Wellness: Annual Certifications
Annual Certifications
As dedicated preservation dog breeders, we understand the importance of maintaining the health and well-being of our beloved companions. One of the fundamental practices we adhere to is the annual certification process, ensuring that our canine family members are in optimal condition. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the recent recertification journey of Rhett, Katerina, Callista, and Daphne for the OFA CAER eye exam and OFA cardiac evaluation.
The OFA CAER Eye Exam
The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) offers the Canine Eye Registry (CAER) program, which focuses on evaluating and certifying the ocular health of dogs. Our commitment to the highest standards led us to have Rhett, Katerina, Callista, and Daphne undergo this comprehensive eye examination. The CAER exam assesses various aspects, including retinal health, cataracts, and other eye abnormalities, providing valuable insights into their ocular well-being.
OFA Cardiac Evaluation
Heart health is paramount in ensuring the overall fitness of our canine companions. The OFA cardiac evaluation is a crucial component of our annual certification process. By having Rhett, Katerina, Callista, and Daphne undergo this examination, we aim to detect any potential cardiac issues early on. This thorough evaluation includes auscultation and, if necessary, further diagnostic tests to assess the cardiovascular health of our dogs.
The Recertification Process
On top of regular veterinary and reproductive care, our recent recertification efforts involved meticulously examining each dog’s eyes and heart. Rhett, Katerina, Callista, and Daphne underwent the OFA CAER eye exam and OFA cardiac evaluation to ensure they continue meeting the established health standards. These annual certifications are a testament to our commitment to responsible breeding and a proactive approach to safeguarding the well-being of our canine family.
The Importance of Annual Certifications
Regular health evaluations are pivotal in preventing, identifying, and addressing potential health issues in dogs. This is a core pillar of our program. Through annual certifications, we not only adhere to the guidelines published by reputable organizations like OFA but also prioritize our dogs’ longevity and quality of life. It’s a proactive measure that reflects our dedication to ethical breeding practices.
The recent recertification of Rhett, Katerina, Callista, and Daphne for the OFA CAER eye exam and OFA cardiac evaluation is not only a commitment to their individual well-being, and continued commitment to the AKC Breeder of Merit program, but is also paramount to our ability to provide a robust 3-year health guarantee for the puppies we offer. By ensuring that our breeding dogs meet and exceed the health standards set by reputable organizations like AKC and Poodle Club of America, we aim to instill confidence in our puppy buyers, assuring them of the quality and health of the dogs they bring into their homes.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if there’s anything specific you’d like to know about our annual certification process, health testing in general, or standard poodle health concerns!