What is a Guardian Home?

Guardian homes represent a very special partnership between ethical breeders and dedicated families. This unique relationship allows a breeder to provide exceptional dogs for their breeding program while ensuring the dog lives a wonderful, spoiled pet life. However, it’s not for everyone—being a guardian requires commitment, care, and a shared vision with the breeder. Not every family will be approved, as the needs of the dog and breeder must align perfectly.

For example, I currently have one dog in a guardian home because he is an invaluable part of my breeding program, but I can only live with one intact male at a time. Guardian homes make it possible to responsibly manage breeding programs while maintaining high standards for both the dog’s health and lifestyle.

Guardian dogs are handpicked for their exceptional qualities—puppies from the top of the litter based on structure, genetic testing, and veterinary evaluations. They are entrusted to loving homes where they live as cherished pets. In turn, the breeder retains access to the dog for showing, health testing, and breeding. Typically, the breeder covers costs related to these activities, and once the dog’s breeding career is complete, they are spayed/neutered and remain with the guardian family forever.

What are the requirements to be a Guardian Home?

Guardians must meet specific requirements to ensure the dog’s well-being. Dogs must live in the home as pets, cannot live with other intact dogs, and need proper care and exercise (such as a fenced yard or regular activity). Guardians should live within an hour of Big Rapids, MI, though exceptions may be made in areas where the breeder frequently travels for shows. Additionally, guardians must maintain the dog’s coat (especially when actively showing) and follow the agreed-upon breeding arrangements.

Being a guardian is a rewarding experience, but it’s a serious commitment. When it works, it’s a true win-win, creating a deep bond between breeder and family while giving a dog the best of both worlds: a loving home and a purposeful role in improving the breed.



How does it work?

You get the joy of adding a high quality pure bred standard poodle puppy to your home for free. I place my pick of the litter puppy (that I would like to add to my breeding program) in your care. You raise him or her as your family member. You provide quality food, health care, and grooming as you would any pet.

Communication is the key element. We will become an extended dog family and will have to communicate regularly while the dog is being used in my program. And afterwards, once retired and spayed/neutered, I hope we remain in communication for the rest of the dog’s life!

  • For example, if you guardian a male dog and are planning a vacation you will need to communicate with me so that if I have a matched female due to go into season, we can arrange for me to have access to the dog while you are gone (or maybe I’ll be your free dog-sitter :).
  • I currently have co-owners, mentees and guardians whom I trust with my beloved dogs and who have proven their integrity. They are always willing to help anyone in the SPFL family so you can expect your poodle family to grow exponentially! They can also provide testimonials prior to your decision to become a guardian. 


Showing: Each dog in my program will attempt to earn at least a championship but some will go on to Grand Champion or further. This depends on the dog and how well s/he enjoys the experience – as well as how much the judges like him or her. I pay for all costs related to showing. You are welcome to come to shows with me and learn and/or show the puppy yourself if you are interested. I’ll be happy to help with grooming as well. Once the puppy has earned a championship, passed health clearances and reaches the minimum age of 2 years old, I will choose complimentary mates. If you would like to pursue AKC or UKC sports with the dog, I will reimburse you for half of the entry fees when the dog earns a title. 

Breeding: I pay for all health testing related to breeding. My dogs are always tested beyond the minimum requirements published by Poodle Club of America and I keep detailed records of my dogs’ health. You will be assured of knowing everything there is to possibly know about the history and genetics of your family member (all things we can currently test for, in any case).

  • Females: I will pick up a female during her ovulation window and then return her approximately 5 days later. I will then pick her up again approximately 5 days before her due date. She will come to my home to have her puppies and I will raise them, then return her to you after they are weaned (approximately 6-8 weeks later). You may participate in the raising of puppies and come to visit often. Females will have no more than 4 full litters (a full litter consists of more than 4 puppies) and then will be retired and spayed and she will be your forever family member, although historically I have retired my girls after 3 litters.
  • Males: I will contact you when I need to use a male for breeding. Sometimes there may be only 24 hours notice. We may also choose to collect and freeze him for future use. After he is neutered, he is yours forever.
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