Romeo earns the Sapphire Gemstone title!

Romeo – Sapphire Gemstone

Romeo finished out his Sapphire Gemstone title February 5, 2022 under Judge Polly Dake-Jones. He was so cuddly and animated all day. This morning he was rolling around on my bed and making honking noises, LOL!  But he brought his game to the ring: my charming clown never disappoints!

His Sapphire was earned with 5 legs consisting of 3 legs from Best in Show/Reserve Best in Show awards, 1 leg from a Breed win and 1 leg from Group wins.



The progression of titles is:

  1. Champion
  2. Grand Champion
  3. Emerald Grand Champion
  4. Ruby Grand Champion
  5. Sapphire Grand Champion
  6. Diamond Grand Champion


How to earn the Sapphire Gemstone:

5 Sapphire Grand Champion legs must be earned in any combination under a minimum of 3 different judges. Only 1 leg may be earned per show.

Sapphire Grand Champion Legs:

    1. Earn 4 Grand Champion class wins over 2 or more Grand Champions
    2. Win Best of Breed over 10 dogs
    3. Earn 4 Group 1 placements with 3 or more dogs competing
    4. Win a Best or Reserve Best in Show with 5 or more dogs competing
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